Source candidates 3x faster
And get 2x more responses
With Generative AI

Up to 80% of sourcing & recruiting are repetitive
tasks that can now be automated.

Used By The Most Innovative Recruiters At
2x Sourcing Speed & Accuracy
Spend hours on LinkedIn?
Sourcers making constant mistakes?
Upload a Job Description and Tombo AI™ analyzes candidates for you with a Match Score over their profile.
Allows for nearly double the amount of profiles a human can analyze in one day - with far less eye strain or pattern matching mistakes.
This feature is totally free w/ unlimited users!

Increase Responses 50%+
Out of Inmails?
Have hard to reach candidates?
Tombo AI™ finds the personal emails & phones of candidates and writes highly personalized emails, with two follow up emails, sends text messages and even lets you call candidates from your PC or smartphone (with vanity Caller IDs that candidates tend to answer).
At $35/month (cancel anytime) it’s a fraction of the price of legacy databases or non-AI outreach tools.

2x Worker Productivity
Do your Sourcers & Recruiters work remotely?
AI (without invading privacy) can track the activity of each Sourcer & Recruiter down to the tasks and hour - nearly doubling the productivity of your workforce.
Enjoy the productivity of a 100% in-office team while allowing your staff to work remotely.
This AI feature will dramatically improve team productivity. Try it free for 30 days!

Who Has Time To Read Every Resume?
Let Tombo AI™ read every resume and stack rank the candidates for you.
Shrink dozens of human hours reading CVs into 15 minutes of automation.
Then select the top candidates and automatically send them highly personalized emails with a single click.
Coming in June of this year for beta testing!